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Understanding, Recognizing and Treating Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome

2022-12-10T18:37:37-05:00December 13th, 2022|

Flat chested kitten syndrome (FCKS) is a poorly understood, often serious condition that may develop in a matter of hours in a kitten less than ten days old. In kittens with FCKS, the muscles used in suckling and breathing cause a deformity of the chest, which results in discomfort and problems in suckling and […]

Common Endoparasites of Kittens

2022-12-05T21:23:16-05:00December 6th, 2022|

A parasite is an organism that lives in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. Endoparasites are those that live in the tissues and organs of their host.

The most common endoparasites that live in the intestines of kittens include roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms. Coccidia are microscopic, […]

Hair: The Long and Short of It (Part 3)

2022-11-21T21:07:02-05:00November 22nd, 2022|

In part 3 of this 3-part series, we discuss grooming. In part 1, we discussed what hair is, types of hairs and how hair grows; in part 2 we discussed hair colors, patterns and lengths.

Kittens start grooming themselves when they are 4 weeks old. When they reach adulthood, cats will groom themselves 30-50 percent […]

Hair: The Long and Short of It (Part 2)

2022-11-17T20:30:05-05:00November 15th, 2022|

In part 2 of this 3-part series, we discuss hair colors, patterns and lengths. In part 1, we discussed what hair is, types of hairs and how hair grows. In part 3, we discuss grooming.

Coat color is due to pigment in the hair shafts. White hairs lack pigment. Black (eumelanin) and red (pheomelanin) pigments, […]

Hair: The Long and Short of It (Part 1)

2022-11-15T02:38:43-05:00November 8th, 2022|

In part 1 of this 3-part series, we discuss what hair is, hair types and how hair grows. We discuss hair colors, patterns and lengths in part 2 and grooming in part 3.

When is a furball not a hairball? When it’s a kitten!  Although people may use the words fur and hair interchangeably, fur […]

Weaning Kittens: From the Milk Bar to the Buffet (Part 2)

2022-11-01T04:58:26-04:00November 1st, 2022|

In part 2 of this 2-part series, we discuss different weaning methods. In part 1, we discussed what weaning is and when it occurs.

Once kittens have started sampling the queen’s food, the process of offering them solid food can begin. NOTE: When the queen is available, kittens may comfort nurse, but not actually get all […]

Celebrating Mini Panthers: National Black Cat Day

2022-10-25T04:41:51-04:00October 25th, 2022|

Many of us love black cats 365 days a year. But on October 27, everyone should join in the appreciation of these dusky beauties in celebration of National Black Cat Day.

Started in 2011 by a British charity called Cats Protection, National Black Cat Day is intended to raise awareness of how lovely and personable […]

Weaning Kittens: From the Milk Bar to the Buffet

2022-10-23T13:54:04-04:00October 18th, 2022|

In part 1 of this 2-part series, we discuss what weaning is and when it occurs. In part 2, we discuss different weaning methods.

Weaning, transitioning from the queen’s milk or milk replacement formula to solid food, is a significant, and often stressful, process for kittens. Prior to weaning, neonates require frequent access to the […]

Understanding, Preventing and Treating Refeeding Syndrome: Part 2

2022-10-04T16:56:25-04:00October 4th, 2022|

This is part 2 of a 2-article series on refeeding syndrome. It focuses on prevention and treatment. Part 1 focused on understanding the causes.

To prevent a kitten from having further complications from malnutrition or starvation, it’s critical to slowly reintroduce nutrition in order to avoid refeeding syndrome. Providing nutrition should only be done after […]

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