Please tell us how the National Kitten Coalition’s educational materials and trainings have helped you Save More Kittens!
The National Kitten Coalition may use your testimonial to help spread the word about the importance of our resources and learning opportunities in providing information that helps kitten caregivers save more kittens. We appreciate your willingness to share your story!
Here are some ideas for information you might want to share:
- What materials did you use?
- How did they help you? What was the most helpful thing you learned?
- What advice would you give to other people who are trying to save kittens?
- How has using the National Kitten Coalition’s educational materials changed your life as a kitten caregiver?
- Would you recommend the National Kitten Coalition’s educational materials to others?
- If you support NKC with donations, what would you say to encourage others to support kitten education?
Thank you for your time!