Thanks for your contributions to the National Kitten Coalition Feline Medical Dictionary! We started off each week with four NKC words in our Facebook Tuesday Tips, included the words you provided in the comment section, and added more of our words to create this dictionary of words from A to Z. What is your favorite word in the dictionary?
Abscess (ab-ses): A localized accumulation of pus that forms under the skin, as may occur following a fight between cats because the bacteria from their mouths and claws infect the wounds
Acute (uh-kyoot): A problem with a sudden and generally severe onset, as may be seen with messy and dangerous diarrhea in kittens
Adspection (ad-spek-shuhn): A diagnostic method consisting of thorough observation, typically of an animal, for example, when watching a limping cat walk before feeling (palpation) the affected limb
Aerobic (ayr-oh-bik): Requiring oxygen, as in Pasturella multocida, a common bacteria of the oral cavity of cats
Agenesis (ey-jen-uh-sis): The lack of specific cells within an organ or the complete absence of an organ, which may occur with atresia ani
Allergen (al-er-juhn): A foreign protein that the immune system tries to remove
Alopecia (al-uh-pee-shee-uh): A condition of hair loss resulting in either patches of baldness or complete baldness, as may be caused by ectoparasites
Alveoli (al-vee-oh-ly): The air sacs at the end of the bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs) where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during breathing
Anaphylaxis (an-uh-fuh-lak-sis): An acute allergic reaction to an antigen, for example to a vaccine or antibiotic
Anastomosis (uh-nas-tuh-moh-sis): A surgical procedure to join two body parts that are not currently connected,.which may be required for rectal prolapse
Anaerobic (an-uh-roh-bik): Not requiring oxygen, as in anaerobic bacteria normally living in the cat’s abdomen, vaginal canal, intestines and mouth but cause infection and tissue death when they invade tissues due to deep injuries, surgeries or internal infections
Anemia (uh-nee-mee-uh): A lower than normal level of red blood cells (also referred to as erythrocytes) carrying oxygen to the body.
Anisocoria (an-ahy-suh-kohr-ee-uh): A condition in which the pupils of the cat’s eyes are different sizes; in other words, one pupil is larger than the other, as may be seen in Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
Antibody (an-ti-bod-ee): A protein produced by the body’s immune system when it detects harmful substances, called antigens
Ankyloblepharon (anki-loh-blef-er-on): The partial or complete adhesion of the edges of the upper eyelid with the lower eyelid
Antigen (an-ti-juhn): A substance that triggers the production of an antibody
Anorexia (an-uh-rek-see-uh): Loss of appetite, whatever the cause
Anurous (uh-noor-uhs): Without a tail, as in the Manx breed
Apnea (ap-nee-uh): A disorder causing breathing to briefly stop, as in sleep apnea which occurs in overweight and brachycephalic breeds and may causing snoring, gasping or choking
Arrhythmia (uh-rith-mee-uh): An irregular heartbeat caused by delay or blockage of the electrical signals that tell the heart to contract and pump blood·
Arthritis A chronic, painful, progressive condition, also known as degenerative joint disease or osteoarthritis) is a involving the joints of cats, which likely affects 70-90% of cats over 12 years old
Ascites (uh-sahy-teez): An accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, as may be seen with Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Aspirate (as-puh-reyt): To draw in or out using a sucking motion. Aspiration can also mean breathing in a foreign object (such as inhaling food into the airway).
Asthma (az-muh): A disease of the lower airways of the lungs affecting 1-5% of cats most likely caused by an allergic reaction to inhaled allergens that stimulate the immune system
Ataxia (uh-tak-see-uh): A lack of muscle coordination, usually resulting in an abnormal or staggered gait, as may be seen with cerebellar hypoplasia
Atelectasis (at-uh-lek-tuh-sis): A complete or partial collapse of the entire lung or area of the lung, which is caused by compression of alveoli (air sacs) and may be seen with Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Atresia ani (uh-tree-zhee-uh ah-nee): A congenital malformation resulting in the lack of a patent anus due to the failure to rupturing of the dorsal membrane, which separates the rectum and anus
Auscultate (aw-skuhl-teyt): Auscultation is a method used to listen to the sounds of the body during a physical examination, usually with a stethoscope.
Aural (awr-uhl): Is defined as relating to the ear or the sense of hearing, as may be seen in an aural hematoma, a collection of blood, either fresh or clotted, within the pinna (ear flap)
Bacteriophage (bak-teer-ee-uh-feyj): A virus that parasitizes bacteria and can be helpful to overcome resistance to antibiotics, for example to treat feline Escherichia coli urinary tract infections.
Baculum (ba-kyuh-luhm): The bone in a cat’s penis
Barbering (bahr-ber-ing): The act of overgrooming, which leads to shorter hair or areas of baldness and skin inflammation caused by the tongue’s barbs (hooks called papillae)
Bartonella (baar-tuh-neh-luh): A flea- and tick-borne bacterial infection caused by Bartonella henselae, which is known as Cat Scratch Disease when it is transmitted to people through the scratch or bite of an infected cat
Blepharitis (blef-uh-rahy-tis): An inflammation of one or both eyelids, commonly seen in brachycephalic breeds, that may be caused by allergies, tumors and infections
Blepharospasm (blef-er-uh-spaz-uhm): The spasmodic squinting or blinking of the eyelid/s, as may be seen with cornel ulcers and Feline Herpesvirus Type-1
Borborygmus (bawr-buh-rig-muhs): The grumbling, gurgling sounds caused by gasses passing through the stomach and the intestine
Brachycephalic (brak-ee-suh-fal-ik): A shortening in length of the skull bones that gives the face and nose a pushed-in appearance, as seen in pedigreed cats such Persian and Himalayans
Bradycardia (brad-i-kahr-dee-uh): A heart rate below the normal range, which is 120-140 beats per minute for an adult cat and 200-260 for a kitten
Break: The indentation of a cat’s nose
Bronchitis (brong-kahy-tis): Feline chronic bronchitis is a disease involving inflammation and excessive secretions that plug the smaller airways that branch out from the trachea (windpipe) and impair the ability to bring oxygen into the lung’s alveoli for delivery to the rest of the body
Bunting (buhn-ting): The butting or rubbing of the head against other things, including people, which is a form or marking and affection
Buphthalmos (byoof-thal-muhs): a congenital, abnormal enlargement of the eyeball
Calicivirus (kuh-lee-see-vai-ruhs): Feline Calicivirus (FCV) is highly contagious and a major cause of Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs)
Catheterization (kath-uh-tuhr-uh-zay-shuhn: Insertion of a catheter (a flexible or rigid hollow tube employed to drain fluids) into the body, such as urinary bladder catheterization, in which a catheter is inserted into the urethra to permit urine to flow out of the urinary bladder
Cerebellar hypoplasia (seh-ruh-beh-lr hai-puh-play-zhee-uh): A neurologic condition, known as CH or wobbly kitten syndrome, affecting kittens and cats that is most often caused when a pregnant cat is exposed to feline parvovirus, the virus that causes feline panleukopenia, whether from a natural infection or from a vaccination
Cheyletiellosis (ki-la-te-el-lo-sys): A highly contagious skin disease of cats, also called walking dandruff, cause by Cheyletiella mites
Chimera (ky-meer-uh): A cat with two distinct sets of DNA, which occurs when one fetus reabsorbs its fraternal twin while in the womb, resulting in different colors on either side of the face
Chronic (kraa-nik): A condition that persists for weeks, months or a lifetime. An example of a chronic condition is kidney disease
Cleft palate (kleft pal-it): A congenital defect of the palate in which a longitudinal fissure exists in the roof of the mouth
Coccidia (kok-sid-ee-uh): Microscopic, single-celled protozoan parasites that infect the intestinal tract, causing smelly, watery or bloody diarrhea
Coccidiosis (kok-sid-ee-oh-sis): An intestinal tract infection caused by coccidia, protozoan (single-celled) parasites.
Coloboma (kaa-luh-bow-muh): A congenital maldevelopment of the eye/s involves the upper eyelid margins of one of both eyes
Colopexy (kol-a-pek-see): A surgery to correct rectal prolapse that attaches the rectum to the inside of the abdominal wall
Colostrum (kuh-los-truhm): The watery fluid rich in antibodies and nutrients secreted by queens during the 24-36 hours after giving birth and before producing true milk
Congenital (kuhn-jen-it-tl): A condition present at birth, such as cryptorchidism and cerebellar hypoplasia, which may be inherited or caused during pregnancy
Congenital hypothyroidism (hahy-puh-thahy-roi-diz-uhm): A disorder of insufficient thyroid hormone in the body, which is important for the development of the nervous and skeletal systems, that may be underreported and not diagnosed since kittens appear normal but die at birth or die as juveniles before symptoms ever become evident
Conjunctiva (kon-juhngk-tahy-vuh): The tissue lining the inner surface of the eyelids and covering the white of the eyes (sclera), also called pink eye
Conjunctivitis (kuhn-juhngk-tuh-vahy-tis): Inflammation of the conjunctiva
Constipation (kon-stuh–pey-shuhn): An abnormal accumulation of feces in the large intestine, which may result in hard, dried feces, straining to defecate and reduced frequency of defecation or absence of feces
Coprophagia (kow-pruh-fay-zhua):The eating of feces, which may be related to certain diseases or behavioral problems
Cornea (kawr-nee-uh): The transparent front part of the eye coverng the iris and pupil that admits light into the eye
Crepitus (kreh-puh-tuhs): A crackling chest sound heard in pneumonia and other lung diseases; the grating sound of two ends of a broken bone rubbing together
Crepuscular (kri-puhs-kyuh-ler): Appearing or active during dawn and dusk; cats are crepuscular animals
Cryptorchidism (kript-awr-ki-diz-uhm): A condition where one testicle or both (testes) don’t descend from the groin area, where they develop before birth, into the scrotum
Cutaneous (kyoo-tey-nee-uhs): Relating to or affecting the skin
Cyanosis (sai-yuh-now-suhs): The bluish tissue discoloration resulting from increased concentration of reduced hemoglobin, a protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen
Cystitis (si-stahy-tis): Inflammation of the urinary bladder
Defecation (def-i-key-shuhn): The act of voiding excrement from the bowels; bowel movement
Dehiscence (dih-his-uhns): Any opening in a wound after surgery, which may be prevented by burying dissolvable sutures
Dehydration (dee-hahy-drey-shuhn): The excessive loss of water and electrolytes (minerals such as potassium, sodium and chloride) that may occur in kittens with inadequate milk intake or excessive fluid losses due to prolonged diarrhea, vomiting or overheating (hyperthermia)
Dermatitis (dur-muh-tahy-tis): Inflammation of the skin, which may be caused by fleas, food allergies or environmental stimuli
Dermatophyte (der-mat-uh-fahyt): A type of skin fungus, such as Microsporum canis, which causes ringworm and especially affects kittens
Diarrhea (dahy-uh-ree-uh): Loose, watery stool that does not hold its form; fluid loss from diarrhea can lead to dehydration or electrolyte imbalance
Digitigrade (dij-i-ti-greyd): Describes animals that stands or walks on their toes, such as cats
Dilated (dai-lay-tuhd): A state of being widened or enlarged, as in dilated pupils caused by short-term fear or a progressive disease such as glaucoma
Dislocation (dis-loh-key-shuhn): The displacement of a body part from its proper position, which may be due to trauma to a bone or be present at birth (congenital diaphragmatic hernia)
Distemper (dis-tem-per): Feline distemper, also known as feline panleukopenia virus, is a deadly virus to which kittens are at highest risk
Distended (dih-sten-did): Swollen or expanded, as may occur when a kitten’s abdomen is enlarged due to spoiled milk replacement formula, intestinal parasites and panleukopenia
Distichia (di-stuh-kai-uh): The condition of having two sets of eyelashes, which often results in injury to the eye’s lining and may require treatment to correct
Dysbiosis (duhs-bai-ow-suhs): An imbalance that can occur in the intestinal bacteria and disrupt the GI tract’s normal functions, which can be life threatening in young kittens
Dyschezia (dis-kee-zee-uh): Difficult or painful defecation, usually associated with hardened feces, and may have many causes, including dehydration and parasites
Dysphagia (dis-fey-jee-uh):The condition in which eating and/or swallowing is difficult, as may occur with cleft palate
Dysphoria (dis-fawr-ee-uh): Extreme anxiety and agitation, which may occur in the 20-30 minutes postoperative period due to drug reactions or pain and be accompanied by thrashing, restlessness, and continuous activity
Dyspnea (disp-nee-uh): Breathing that is difficult or labored, which may be a symptom of Feline Infectious Peritonitis or lower respiratory tract infections
Dystocia (duhs-tow-shuh): An abnormal or difficult birth, which may be due to maternal factors, such as uterine inertia, and/or fetal factors, such as an oversized kitten
Dysuria (dis-yoo-ree-uh): Urination that is painful or difficult and should be treated as a medical emergency in male cats whose narrow urethras can become blocked
Eartip: The removal of approximately 1/4” of the top of the ear flap is the universally recognized sign of a spayed or neutered cat, which is standard in most Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs
Ectoparasite (ek-toh-par-uh-sahyt): An external parasite, such as a flea and tick
Edema (ih-dee-muh): The swelling caused by increased fluid moving from blood vessels into tissues or insufficient fluid moving from tissues back into blood vessels
Effusion (ih-fyoo-zhuhn): The accumulation of fluid in the thoracic, pericardial or abdominal cavities due to its movement from its normal location in the body
Electrolytes: Elements in the blood which are critically important to life, including sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphorous
Emesis (em-uh-sis): The ejection of the contents of the stomach or upper intestines through the mouth, which is also known as vomiting
Emetic (uh-met-ik): An agent used to cause vomiting, such as xylazine hydrochloride, particularly when given subcutaneously or intramuscularly to eliminate a toxic substance
Endoparasite (en-doh-par-uh-sahyt): An internal parasite, such as roundworms and coccidia
Enteritis (en-tuh-rahy-tis): Inflammation of the intestines, especially, the small intestines, which may occur with Feline infectious enteritis (FIE), a disease caused by infection feline panleukopenia virus
Entropion (uhn-trow-pee-aan): The abnormal rolling inward of the eyelids, which may allow eyelashes to irritate the cornea and cause pain and swelling of the eye
Enucleation (ih-noo-klee-ey-shuhn): The surgical removal of an eyeball, which may be necessary in severe cases of feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) that cause pain and limit eyesight
Epiphora (ih-pif-er-uh): An overflow of tears due to excessive secretion of the lacrimal (tear) glands or obstruction of the lacrimal ducts
Epistaxis (ep-uh-stak-sis): An acute hemorrhage (bleeding) from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx (upper part of the throat that lies behind the nose, just above the soft part of the roof of the mouth and just behind the nasal passages). It is commonly referred to as a nosebleed.
Erythema (er-uh–thee-muh): Abnormal redness of the skin, due to irritation, injury, or inflammation, caused by dilation of superficial blood vessels in the skin
Erythrolysis (ih-rith-ruhl-ahy-sis): The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, which causes the release of hemoglobin
Eructation (ih-ruhk-tey-shuhn): The act of burping or bringing up gas from the stomach
Facultatively social: Displaying flexible social behavior depending on environment and upbringing, as in cats who can live socially or solitarily
Failure to Thrive: This condition, aka Fading Kitten Syndrome (FKS), may cause sudden death or within a few days between birth and weaning
Feces (fee-seez): The solid waste from an animal that ideally is brown, firm and log or nugget shaped
Fever coat: A condition of a kitten being born with a grey or silver coat which changes color after a couple of weeks, which may be due to the queen being ill or stressed during pregnancy
Feline audiogenic reflex seizure (FARS): A seizure caused by loud sounds, such as crinkling tin foil and tapping a metal utensil against a ceramic bowl, resulting in brief muscle spasms without loss of consciousness
Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (hahy-per-uhs-thee-zee-uh): An extreme sensitivity in a cat’s skin, almost always on the back and often in the area right in front of the tail, which may lead to self mutilation
Flehmen response (fley-muhn): A behavior in which the animal inhales with the mouth open and upper lip curled to facilitate exposure of the vomeronasal (Jacobson’s) organ to a scent or pheromone for analysis
Focal infection: A very rare condition of FeLV-positive cats in which infection is restricted to certain tissue (eg, spleen, lymph nodes, small intestine, mammary glands) ad FeLV test results are discordant (positive and negative)
Focal seizure: The most common type of seizure in cats occurs as the result of inappropriate electrical activity on one side of the brain; may be a symptom of feline infectious peritonitis, feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus and toxoplasmosis
Fomite (foh-mite): An inanimate object, such as clothing, that carries and spreads disease and infection
Frank blood: The fresh, bright-red blood visible in feces that indicates bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract
Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs): Also known as zoomies and may occur to release pent-up energy, after defecating and as a symptom of hyperthyroidism
Gastrointestinal (gas-troh-in-tes-tuh-nl): Part of the digestive system, the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) includes the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum and anus
Gestation (je-stay-shun): The period of pregnancy from conception to birth, which averages 65 days for queens (unspayed cats)Giardia (jee-ahr-dee-uh): A single-celled, protozoan organism that causes severe gastrointestinal disease when ingested from infected feces themselves or soil and water contaminated by the organism
Gingiva (jin-juh–vuh): The membrane around the teeth and the lining of the mouth, also known as the gums, which should be pink and moist
Gingivitis (jin-juh-vahy-tis): Inflammation (swelling) of the gums, which is the immune system’s reaction to bacteria and plaque under the gums, accompanied by redness, bleeding and pain
Glaucoma (glaw-koh-muh): A painful condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, which damages the optic nerve and gradually leads to blindness
Gram: A metric unit of weight, with 28 grams equaling an ounce, that provides a more accurate weight for small animals such as kittens
Hematemesis (hee-muh-teh-muh-suhs): The act of vomiting blood which 1) if new or recent is bright red or 2) if old and partially digested resembles brown coffee grounds
Hematoma (hee-ma-toh-muh): A collection of blood, usually clotted, in a tissue or organ, caused by a break in a blood vessel, which may occur if an ear flap is injured
Hematuria (hem-uh-toor-ee-uh): The presence of blood in urine, defined as gross hematuria when seen with the naked eye and occult when only seen with a microscope
Hematochezia (hee-muh-toh-kee-zee-uh): The presence of bright red blood in the feces, which may indicate irritation or inflammation in the lower gastrointestinal tract (colon and rectum)
Hernia (hur-nee-uh): The protrusion of an organ or tissue through an opening in its surrounding walls, especially in the abdominal region, such as an umbilical hernia in kittens caused by the queen biting the cord too close
Heterochromia (het-er-uh-kroh-mee-uh): A condition that causes a cat’s eyes to be two different colors, more commonly seen in white cats such as Turkish Vans
Heteropaternal superfecundation (heh-trow-puh-tur-nl soo-per-fee-kuhn-dey-shuhn): The fertilization of two or more ova by separate acts of conception with two or more male cats during the same heat cycle of a queen, which accounts for litters having multiple fathers
Hyperthermia (hahy-per-thur-mee-uh): An elevation in the body’s core temperature, which may be caused by exercise, excessive heat, reactions to drugs or poisons and medical conditions
Hypoglycemia (hahy-poh-glahy-see-mee-uh): An abnormally low glucose level in the blood, which may occur when kittens don’t get enough food per meal or have been without food for several hours
Hypothermia (hahy-puh-thur-mee-uh) : An abnormally low body temperature, which is a common risk especially to orphaned neonatal kittens who are unable to shiver or regulate their body temperature
Hypoxia: (hahy-pok-see-uh): Low oxygen level in blood and tissues
Iatrogenic (ahy-a-truh-jen-ik): An unintentional outcome caused by a person, medical treatment or diagnostic procedure, for example, iatrogenic hypothyroidism can occur in cats treated for hyperthyroidism
Icterus (ik-ter-uhs): The yellow discoloration of the skin, eyes, ears, gums, foot pads and serum, aka jaundice, caused by excessive amounts of bilirubin, a waste product of red blood cell metabolism
Incubation period: The time between exposure to an infectious disease and the appearance of the first signs or symptoms of the disease
Idiopathic (id-ee-uh-path-ik): A disorder or disease without apparent cause, for example, feline idiopathic cystitis, an inflammation of unknown origin of the urinary bladder
Imperforate anus (im-pur-fer-it ey-nuhs): A rare congenital condition in kittens in which the anal opening does not develop
Induced ovulator: The cat is an induced ovulator, meaning that the release of eggs from the ovaries is stimulated by the act of breeding; most females require 3-4 matings within a 24-hour period for ovulation to occur
Intussusception (in-tuhs-suh-sep-shuhn): The folding of an intestinal segment into an adjacent segment caused by excessive motion of the intestine, for example, when overstimulated by a foreign body such as yarn
Jacobson’s Organ: A part of the olfactory system, located in the nose and opening into the roof of the mouth behind the upper incisors, that detects pheromones, chemicals used for communication
Janus: A cat with a fully or partially duplicated face (aka craniofacial duplication) that is due to abnormal activity by the sonic hedgehog protein during early development; see polydactyl
Jaundice (jawn-dis): The yellow discoloration of the skin, eyes, ears, gums, foot pads and serum, aka icterus, caused by excessive amounts of bilirubin, a waste product of red blood cell metabolism
Jejunum (ji-joo-nuhm): The second and longest part of the small intestine, located in the upper GI tract, that absorbs nutrients from food into the bloodstream for distribution to the body’s organs
Jugular (juhg-yuh-ler): The large veins in the neck, located on both sides of the trachea (windpipe). that return deoxygenated blood from the brain, neck and face back to the heart
KCS: A condition of the cornea and surrounding tissues, Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, also called dry eye, results from inadequate tear production, which may occur with feline herpesvirus
Keratin (ker-uh-tin): The hard protein making up hair and claws, which can cause feline acne when too much is produced and plugs hair follicles, usually on the chin
Keratitis (ker-uh-tahy-tis): The inflammation of the cornea (the surface layer of the eye) that causes cloudiness and affects vision, which may occur with feline herpesvirus
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (ker-uh-toh-kuhn-juhngk-tuh-vahy-tis si-kuh): A condition of the cornea and surrounding tissues, also called dry eye, results from inadequate tear production, which may occur with feline herpesvirus
Ketoacidosis (kee-toh-as-i-doh-sis): A life-threatening condition of excess buildup in the blood of ketones (acids produced from the breakdown of fat for energy), which may occur with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Kitten: The American Association of Feline Practitioners’ definition of the life stage from birth up to one year, which equals 15 human years
Klinefelter Syndrome: A rare genetic condition that gives male cats an extra X chromosome (XXY) needed to be calico or tortoiseshell
Kyphosis (kahy-foh-sis): An abnormal curvature of the spine that causes bulging at the upper back, which may occur with flat chested kitten syndrome
Lactation (lak-tey-shun): The secretion of milk through the mammary glands to feed kittens is the most energy-demanding stage of a queen’s life, usually peaking at 3-4 weeks after birth, and requires increased calories for her
Latent (leyt-nt): The dormant (inactive) stage that occurs between exposure to a disease-causing agent and the onset of the disease
Leukopenia (loo-kuh-pee-nee-uh): A decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood, which may be caused by feline panleukopenia
Lice: External parasites that live on and feed on skin and cause rubbing, scratching and biting; infestations are most common among kittens or debilitated cats living in unsanitary environments
Linea alba (lee-ne-ah ahl-buh): The band of tissue that marks the midline of the abdominal muscles along which the skin is incised for a cat spay
Lordosis (lawr-doh-sis): An abnormal forward curvature of the spine at the lower back; the posture female cats assume when they are in heat and ready to mate
Louse (louz): Singular of lice
Luxation (luhk-sey-shun): The dislocation or complete separation, which may occur, for example, between the bones that normally form a joint or the lens of the eye
Mandible (man-duh-buhl): The bone of the lower jaw
Mange: Any of several skin and ear conditions caused by a variety of mites
Mastitis (ma-stahy-tis): The inflammation of the mammary gland/s due to injury causing milk buildup in the gland/s (non-septic) or bacterial infection entering through the nipples, wounds or bloodstream (septic)
Maternal antibody: Antibody in a newborn animal which the newborn acquired through the placenta or colostrum (the first milk)
Maxilla (mak-sil-uh): The upper bone of the jaw
Meconium (mi-koh-nee-uhm): The first stool of a newborn that collects inside the fetus’ intestines
Megaesophagus (meh-guh-uh-saa-fuh-gus): A condition, which may be congenital in kittens or acquired in adults, that causes the esophagus to remain enlarged rather than contracting and prevents the proper movement of food into the stomach; regurgitation (often noted at weaning) and weight loss or poor weight gain are the most common signs with aspiration pneumonia as a complication
Melena (muh-lee-nuh): The discharge of black, tarry, bloody stools, usually resulting from a hemorrhage in the alimentary tract
Melanin (mel-uh-nin): The dark pigment in the cells of skin and hair
Microphthalmia (mai-krow-thal-mee-uh): Also known as microphthalmos, in which one or both eyes are abnormally small or missing
Micturition (mik-chuh-rish-uhn): The process of expelling urine from the body known as urinating
Milk Fever: This life-threatening condition, also called eclampsia, may occur 2-4 weeks after birth due to blood calcium loss during lactation or during the last weeks of pregnancy
Mycosis (mahy-koh-sis): The condition caused by a fungus such as ringworm, blastomycosis and histoplasmosis
Mydriasis (mi-drahy-uh-sis):The dilation (enlargement) of the pupil/s unrelated to the levels of light in the environment, which may occur from fear, drugs or health conditions such as glaucoma
Nasopharynx (ney-zoh-far-ingks):The upper part of the throat behind the nose, behind and above the soft palate (roof of the mouth) and just behind the nasal passages
Necropsy (nek-rop-see): The examination of an animal after death, an animal autopsy, to determine the cause of death or extent of disease
Nematode (nem-uh-tohd): An unsegmented worm of the phylum Nematoda, having an elongated, cylindrical body, such as a roundworm
Neonate (nee-uh-neyt): A kitten four weeks of age or younger who cannot eat solid food and must be stimulated to urinate and defecate (National Kitten Coalition’s definition).
Nephritis (nuh-frahy-tis): The inflammation of the kidney/s, some types which may be immunodeficiency virus caused by diseases such as feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus and feline infectious peritonitis
Nictitating Membrane (nik-ti-tey-ting): A thin, retractable membrane, also called the third eyelid, that extends across the eye from the inner corner to protect the eye
Nystagmus (ni-stag-muhs): The congenital or acquired involuntary, rapid horizontal, vertical or circular eye movement, which may occur with inner ear problems
Obligate carnivore (ob-li-geyt): An obligate carnivore, such as the cat, is one requiring nutrients found in sufficient quantities only in an animal-based diet
Obstipation (ob-stuh-pey-shuhn): A severe form of constipation that prevents the passing of stool or gas, usually caused by an obstruction in the intestinal tract
Obtunded (ob-tuhn-did): A diminished responsiveness to stimuli, often due to a state of reduced consciousness, which may occur in kittens with hypoglycemia
Occult (uh-kuhlt): Indicating a disease or condition that is clinically not apparent.
Off-label Use: Also known as extra-label, the use of a drug in a manner not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and not listed on the drug’s label, such as methimazole for hyperthyroidism and ponazuril for coccidiosisin cats
Oliguria (ol-i-gyoor-ee-uh): A medical condition in which there is not enough urination
Omphalitis (aam-fuh-lai-tuhs: An infection of the umbilicus and/or surrounding tissues that occurs primarily during the neonatal period and can rapidly progress to sepsis and death
Onychectomy (uh-nee-kek-tuh-me): An elective surgical procedure, also known as declawing, that involves the removal of the third phalanx bone using a guillotine-type nail clipper, surgical blade or laser
Oocyst (oh-uh-sist): The stage in the life of certain parasites in which they are encapsulated and usually passed through droppings
Opisthotonus (ow-pis-thuh-tow-nuhs): The abnormal, extreme extension of the head and neck toward the back caused by muscle spasms, which may occur with seizures
Otitis (oh-tahy-tis): Inflammation of the ear canal
Otoscope (oh-tuh-skohp): A hand-held instrument for examining the external canal and tympanic membrane (eardrum) of the ear
Ovariohysterectomy (oh-vuh-ree-o his-tuh-rek-tuh-mee): The surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus; generally referred to as spay when referring to female companion animals
Palpation (pal-pey-shuhn): Examination by finger pressure to detect growths, changes in underlying organs, and unusual tissue reactions to pressure.
Pancreatitis (pan-kree-uh-tahy-tis): Inflammation of the pancreas
Pandora syndrome: A disorder resulting from chronic anxiety (stressors that the cat finds threatening), which may lead to urinary problems, such as feline interstitial cystitis, in cats
Parenteral (pa-ren-ter-uhl): Feeding intravenously (via a vein), which may be needed because of uncontrolled vomiting
Parturition (pahr-too-rish-uhn): The act of giving birth
Pediculosis (puh-dik-yuh-loh-sis): The condition of being infested with lice
Periuria (per-ee-yoo-rahy-uh): Urination outside the litter box, which may be caused by medical (infection, arthritis) or behavioral (location of litter box, aversion to litter) factors
Persistent Right Aortic Arch: A congenital condition in which major blood vessels in the heart abnormally constrict the esophagus, restricting the passage of food into the stomach; regurgitation (often noted at weaning) and stunted (reduced) growth rate are the most common signs with aspiration pneumonia as a complication
Pheromone (fer-uh-mohn): A chemical released by an animal that influences the physiology or behavior of other members of the same species
Pica (pahy-kuh): Eating non-edible materials such as wool, plastic and cellophane, which can cause intestinal obstruction and require surgery
Piloerection (pai-low-uh-rek-shun): The lifting of the fur, typically on the back and tail, caused by the contraction of tiny muscles at the base of each hair, which may occur when a cat is frightened
Plasma drops (plaz-muh): A treatment option for deep or severe corneal ulcers, which requires using a cat’s plasma, the liquid part of the blood, to speed up healing
Plasma Cell Pododermatitis (poh-doh-dur-muh-tahy-tis): Inflammation caused by the infiltration of plasma cells into the paw pad, typically the central one, of more than one foot, which may heal spontaneously or require lifelong treatment
Polycythemia (paa-luh-see-mee-uh): A rare disease in cats characterized by the overproduction of red blood cells by the bone marrow
Polydactyl (pol-ee-dak-til): The presence of extra toes due to abnormal activity by the sonic hedgehog protein during early development; see Janus
Polydipsia (pol-ee-dip-see-uh): Excessive thirst
Polyestrous (pol-ee-es-truhs): Having several estrus cycles during a breeding season and continuing to come into heat if not bred
Polyphagia (pol-ee-fey-jee-uh): Excessive appetite or overeating
Polyuria (pol-ee-yoor-ee-uh): Urinating larger volumes than normal
Primordial pouch (prahy-mawr-dee-uhl powch): The extra loose skin and some fatty tissue along the belly that protects the vital organs, provides flexibility and expands for food storage; all cats are born with a primordial pouch
Prognosis (prog-noh-sis): The forecast of the probable survival or recovery following a disease or injury
Pruitis (proo-rahy-tuhs): Any intense sensation of itching, which may occur with fleas, infection and allergies
Purulent (pyoor-uh-luhnt): Being full of, containing, forming, or discharging pus
Pus (puhs): A thick, yellowish-white fluid seen in wounds and sores and containing white blood cells, microorganisms, and tissue debris
Pyelonephritis (pahy-uh-loh-nuh-frahy-tis): Inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis, caused by a bacterial infection
Pyoderma (pai-uh-dur-muh: Any skin eruption characterized by pustules or the formation of pus
Pyometra (pai-ow-meh-truh): A disorder characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of pus in the uterus
Pyrexia (pahy-rek-see-uh): A feverish condition
Q: A common medical abbreviation meaning “every” in Latin and indicating how often something should happen, as in “give 1 tablet q6h,” which indicates every 6 hours
Q fever: A zoonotic disease, which may result in abortion, caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii that cats get from infected tick bites or contaminated farm animal carcasses
Quality of life: The ability to enjoy normal life activities, which is an important welfare consideration if medical care does not provide appreciable benefits
Quarantine: A period of time in which an animal is kept away from other animals and people to prevent the spread of contagious diseases to them
Queening: Birthing kittens, which may last up to 24-36 hours, with each birth taking 30-60 minutes of mild labor and 5-10 minutes of intense labor, plus rest periods between kittens
Quick: The triangular pink portion at the base of the nail that contains the blood vessels, nerves and other tissues; cutting the quick causes bleeding and pain
Recumbent (ri-kuhm-buhnt): To be lying down, not standing, which may be caused by trauma, metabolic imbalances, brain diseases or severe sickness
Refractory (ri-frak-tuh-ree): To not yield, or not yield readily, to medical or surgical treatment, which may occur with chronic gingivostomatitis, a debilitating feline dental disease
Regurgitate (ri-gur-ji-teyt): The ejection of the contents from the esophagus or stomach without active retching, as opposed to the ejection of the contents from the stomach and upper intestine with active retching, which is to vomit
Retrovirus (re-truh-vahy-ruhs): An RNA virus, such as Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, that produces an enzyme, reverse transcriptase, which permits it to insert copies of its own genetic material into that of the cells it has infected
Rhinitis (rahy-nahy-tis): Inflammation of the nose, which is a common complication of upper respiratory infections such as feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus
Ringworm: A fungal skin infection, most commonly caused by Microsporum canis in felines, that is highly contagious to other animals and people
Roundworms: Intestinal parasites that can be transferred via the placenta or queen’s milk or by ingesting infected feces and/or grooming fur contaminated with infected feces; roundworms may cause extreme illness and even death in kittens from anemia, dehydration or malnutrition
Scoliosis (skoh-lee-oh-sis): Lateral curvature of the spine due to a congenital or developmental abnormality or trauma or injury
Sepsis (sep-sis): A toxic state, also called septicemia and blood poisoning, caused by the absorption of disease-causing microorganisms and their products into the bloodstream or tissues
Serum (seer-uhm): Blood serum is the clear yellowish fluid component that can be separated from clotted blood plasma and does not contain coagulants and blood cells
Skin tent: A “test” to determine hydration, which involves lifting the skin between the shoulder blades and seeing how quickly it falls back into place; this test may be unreliable in kittens under 6 weeks of age
Spay: Sterilization by surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus of a female animal
Stenosis (sti-noh-sis): The narrowing or stricture of a passage or vessel, which may lead to nasopharyngeal stenosis following upper respiratory infections
Strabismus (struh-biz-muhs): A medical condition in which one or both of the eyes are deviated from one another
Stropping (straa-puhng): Conditioning the front claws by dragging them on a horizontal or vertical surface to loosen and remove the outer sheaths and expose sharp claws
Tachycardia (tak-i-kahr-dee-uh): A high heart rate, typically above 220 beats per minute (bpm) in cats; a normal heart rate is 120-150 bpm when resting and 150-220 bpm when stressed
Tachypnea (tak-ip-nee-uh): Excessively rapid respiration, which may occur with hyperthermia
Tapetum lucidim (tuh-pee-tuhm loo-sid-uhm): A thin layer of tissue located in the back of the eye behind the retina that reflects light back to the retina, allowing it to absorb more light and the cat to see better in the dark
Tendonectomy (ten-duhn-ek-tuh-mee): A surgical alternative to declawing that severs the tendon that controls the claw, which results in the cat keeping the claw but being unable to control, scratch or groom
Tenesmus (tuh-nes-muhs): Straining to defecate with repeated attempts at defecation, which may be a symptom of constipation, the infrequent or difficult passage of hard, dry feces
Toxoplasmosis (tok-soh-plaz-moh-sis): A zoonotic illness caused by an infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii that reproduces in the intestinal tracts of cats
Tragus (tray-guhs): The vertical open pocket along the outermost side of the pinna (outer ear flap), which widens and narrows to detect and convert vibrations traveling into the middle and inner ear into sounds
Trichobezoars (trih-koh-bee-zawrz): Hairballs, which are normally vomited or passed in the feces, may occasionally get trapped in the GI tract and can cause dangerous partial or complete obstruction
Tube feeding: A method of providing liquid nutrition via a flexible tube passed from the mouth into the stomach, which may be used, for example, if a kitten has a cleft palate or weak suckling reflex
Turgor test: A “test” to determine hydration, which involves lifting the skin between the shoulder blades and seeing how quickly it falls back into place; this test may be unreliable in kittens under 6 weeks of age
Turner Syndrome: A genetic condition in females that results from one of the X chromosomes being missing or misshapen, having symptoms of incomplete sexual maturation, short stature and pterygium colli (webbed neck tissue)
Ulcer (uhl-ser): A lesion in which the tissue surface is eroded away; painful oral ulcers may be a symptom of calicivirus
Undercoat: The soft and dense down hairs of the undercoat are the shortest hairs, which insulate and help regulate body temperature, and. If not groomed properly, is prone to matting
Upper respiratory tract: The section of the respiratory system that contains the mouth, nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and epiglottis
Uremia (yoo-ree-mee-uh): The dangerous buildup in the bloodstream of toxins and waste products, such as urea and creatinine, which may occur with urethral obstruction
Uremic (yoo-ree-mik): A condition in which waste builds up in the bloodstream
Ureter (yoo-ree-ter): The tube leading from the kidney to the bladder
Urethra (yoo-ree-thre): The tube leading from the bladder to the outside
Urticaria (ur-ti-kair-ee-uh): Raised, itchy areas of skin, also known as hives, which is rare in cats but may indicate an allergic reaction to medications and insect bites and stings
Utricle (yoo-tri-kuhl): A sac inside the middle ear partly responsible for an animal’s sense of balance
Uvea (yoo-vee-uh): The part of the eyeball consisting of the iris, ciliary body and choroid
Uveitis (yoo-vee-ahy-tis): Painful inflammation of the structures of the uvea, located in the middle layer of the eye, which may lead to blindness ; the most common infectious diseases associated with uveitis are toxoplasmosis, feline infectious peritonitis and feline immunodeficiency virus
Valiance (va-lee-uhns): Refers to an animal’s response to novel stimuli; a high valiant kitten or cat is likely to approach new stimuli while one who is low valiant is likely to retreat
Vascular ring anomaly: A congenital condition which can lead to compression of the esophagus (megaesophagus) and cause food to be regurgitated
Vector (vek-ter): Any organism that carries an infectious agent between organisms of a different species, such as fleas that transmit feline bartonella and ticks that transmit Cytauxzoon
Vellus (veh-luhs): The sparse and baby-fine hair, known as peach fuzz, that covers the body of Sphynx cats and humans
Venipuncture (vee-nuh-puhngk-chur): The insertion of a needle into a vein to withdraw blood or give drugs, medications and fluids
Vermicide (vur-muh-sahyd): Anything that is designed to kill worms or other parasites; anthelmintic substance
Vermifuge (vur-muh-fyooj): Any chemical that causes worms or parasitic worms to be expelled from an animal’s body
Vertebrae (vur-tuh-brey): The bones of the spine, which, in cats, have elastic cushioning on the disks between the bones that contribute to their grace, flexibility and speed
Vibrassae (vai-bri-see): Hairs, also known as whiskers, located on the chin, above the eyes and lower back of the front legs, which have nerve-packed follicles and are 2-3 times thicker and 3 times deeper than body hairs
Visceral (vih-seh-rul): Related to the viscera, which are the soft internal organs of the body, including the lungs, heart and organs of the digestive, excretory, reproductive and circulatory systems
Vitreous (vi-tree-uhs): A clear, gel-like fluid in the space in the eye between the lens and retina, which may be affected by uveitis
Vomiting: The ejection of the contents from the stomach and upper intestine with active retching, as opposed to ejection of the contents from the esophagus and stomach without active retching
Weaning (wee-nuhng): Transitioning from the queen’s milk or milk replacement formula to solid food, which is often a stressful process for kittens and may result in diarrhea due to the introduction of new proteins and other nutrients
Western blot: A test that is considered confirmatory for the presence of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) antibodies in a cat’s blood
Wheezing (wee-zuhng): An abnormal sound caused by airway narrowing due to constriction, partial blockage, inflammation or other health issues, which may occur with hairballs, asthma, and polyps in the sinus or throat
Whisker fatigue: The stimulatory overload to the brain caused by whiskers brushing against food and water dishes can make cats feel stressed or agitated and can be remedied by providing shallow dishes with low sides
Wobbly Kitten Syndrome: A neurologic condition, known as cerebellar hypoplasia or CH, affecting kittens and cats that is most often caused when a pregnant cat is exposed to feline parvovirus, the virus that causes feline panleukopenia, whether from a natural infection or from a vaccination
X chromosome (kroh-muh-sohm): A cat with two X chromosomes is female and a cat with an X and a Y chromosome is male. Calico is a distinctive coat color pattern linked to the X chromosome, and over 95% of calico cats are female.
Xiphisternum (zif-uh-stur-nuhm): The cartilaginous process (extension) forming the lowermost part of the sternum (breastbone)
Xiphoid process (zai-foyd): Another term for the xiphisternum, which may stick out on the chest, especially in kittens and young cats whose bones are still developing
X-rays: Medical x-rays (radiographs) use high-energy electromagnetic radiation to generate images of tissues and structures inside the body and can provide useful diagnostic information
Xylazine (zai-luh-zeen): A central nervous system suppressant used in veterinary medicine as a sedative, anesthetic, muscle relaxant and emetic
Xylocaine (zai-luh-kayn): An injectable anesthetic used as a treatment for abnormal heart rhythms or cardiac arrhythmia and also to numb the skin and mucous membrane
Y chromosome (kroh-muh-sohm): One of the Y chromosomes’ genes, the SRY (sex determining region Y), makes a protein that triggers embryonic development as a male
Yawning: An involuntary deep, open-mouth inhalation often accompanied by stretching which cats do when bored, relaxed, irritated, stressed, waking up or seeking attention
Yeasts: Microscopic, single-celled fungi that reproduce by budding and although bacteria commonly cause inner ear infections in cats, yeasts can also be the cause
Yellow fat disease: Also called Feline pansteatitis causes inflammation and discoloration of body fat and is associated with eating large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids found in foods such as tuna and other oily fish
Yohimbine ( yoh-him-been): A drug used to reverse the sedative effects of Xylazine, particulary after emesis is successful
Zona pellucida (zoh-nuh puh-loo-si-duh): A transparent, non-cellular layer or envelope of uniform thickness surrounding an oocyte (egg)
Zoomies: The act of running around erratically, also known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs), may occur to release pent-up energy, after defecating and as a symptom of hyperthyroidism
Zoonosis (zoo-ah-nuh-seez): An infectious disease that can be transferred between species from people and animals and from animals to people
Zoonotic disease (zow-uh-naa-tuhk): Another term for zoonosis, such as rabies, ringworm and Q fever
Zoophobia (zoh-uh-foh-bee-uh): An abnormal fear of animals, which when related to cats is known as ailurophobia
Zygote (zai-gowt): A fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female egg or ovum with a male sperm